e-Learning applications and websites are fastest emerging sector because it is the medium of choice.Testing eLearning products at each stage of development are becoming critical due to increased number of platforms and devices, growth in online content & digitalization. It is very much essential to ensure defect free product/application with faster time to market and fulfill end customer requirement.There are different types of e- learning platforms available in the market, which are listed below:
For E-Learning Courses & Learning Management System, following types of testing are conducted
Language Testing (LQA)
- Language Review (English)
- Grammar Review
- Spelling / Typographical Errors
- Sentence Construction
- Punctuation
- Headings, Labels, Bulleted Lists etc
- Content Mapping
- Client Comment Verification
Functional Testing (FQA)
- Functionality Validation
- Regression Testing
- SCORM (LMS) Testing
- System Testing
- Accessibility Testing
- Compliance Testing (508 etc)
- Responsiveness Testing (Devices)
- GUI Testing