Every software development group tests its products, yet delivered software always has defects. Test engineers strive to catch them before the product is released but they always creep in and they often reappear, even with the best manual testing processes. Test Automation software is the best way to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and coverage of your software testing.
Manual software testing is performed by a human sitting in front of a computer carefully going through application screens, trying various usage and input combinations, comparing the results to the expected behavior and recording their observations. Manual tests are repeated often during development cycles for source code changes and other situations like multiple operating environments and hardware configurations. An automated testing tool is able to playback pre-recorded and predefined actions, compare the results to the expected behavior and report the success or failure of these manual tests to a test engineer. Once automated tests are created they can easily be repeated and they can be extended to perform tasks impossible with manual testing. Because of this, savvy managers have found that automated software testing is an essential component of successful development projects.
Automated Software Testing Saves Time and Money
Vastly Increases Your Test Coverage
Automation Does What Manual Testing Cannot
Testing Improves Accuracy
Bluwater Software Solutions Automation team engages with various test automation software tools to create, execute, control and compare the actual outcomes to expected outcomes without manual intervention. Our team has the required skills and experience for the following:
Language Testing (LQA)
- Automation Environment Setup & Framework Designing
- Automation Planning, Setup, Execution and Maintenance of the scripts for various environments including Development, Test, Stage and Production
Our automation testing team uses automation tools to write and execute test cases, and no manual involvement is required while executing the automated test suites. Automation testing tools used at Bluwater Software Solutions are:
- Selenium – IDE & Webdriver
- HP Quick Test Professional
- MS Visual Studio Coded UI
- MS Screen Reader (508 Compliance)